About Us

Send The Light Church located at 10408 Center Rd. Fenton Michigan 48430 has grown from small humble beginnings back in 2001. We are a family oriented, Christ centered, non-denominational church and we believe in the literal truth of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Our mission is to live wholeheartedly for Christ while teaching and spreading God’s Word for today.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide the spiritual resources for both individuals and families that will establish and encourage them in the Word of God. Because the Word ministers in all seasons of life, we embrace God’s commission to encourage the development of positive and fulfilling relationships with Christ and with one another in the Word for our day. There’s such a joy in watching others grow with the gifts and talents that God has given them. According to 1 John 3, the Bride will be just like Christ when He appears. The church will be perfected and the Bride will be without spot or wrinkle.

Our Belief

We believe in order for the church to be perfected, The Bride needs the Five-Fold Ministry spoken of in Ephesians 4, including the message God has sent to His Bride through the ministry of God’s Prophet; William Branham. According to Mark 16, we believe that everyone on earth deserves an opportunity to hear the Gospel of salvation at least once. We invite you to join us in this journey as we are committed to using the resources God has given us to reach the world around us. May God Bless You, and we look forward to seeing you at a future service!

Join us for a service!

Send the Light Church Service Times

Sundays at 10:00 AM

Sunday School: Sunday Mornings at 9:15 AM

Wednesdays at 7:30 PM